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Liepaja University

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Added by: 116_liepaja_univ
Location: Liela street 14, LV-3401 Liepaja


Field of study: Design, Theater, Film & TV Studies, Software & IT, Pedagogy & Education, Mechanical Engineering, Language Studies, Journalism, Media & PR, Environmental Studies
Type of educational institution: Higher Education Institution


Liepaja University is a public state university founded in 1945, which is one of the oldest higher educational establishments in Kurzeme region (Latvia) with large experience and academic traditions. It is located in the heart of Liepaja city with a long and diverse history, unique architecture and atmosphere, and mostly - the wonderful sea and the beach. Liepaja University offers studies in 11 different English study programmes on Bachelor, Master and Doctoral level such as Information Technology, Computer Science, Smart Technologies and Mechatronics, Environmental Innovation Technologies, European Languages and Culture Studies, New Media and Audiovisual Art, Ecotechnologies, Educational Sciences, etc.

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