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Join to NET24's conferences in 2024

GISMA Business School

Views: 84 (unique: 83)

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Added by: 120_gisma
Location: Goethe street 18, 30169 Hannover


Type of educational institution: Higher Education Institution
Field of study: Banking & Finance, Cybersecurity, Data Analytics, Language Studies, Management & Administration, Marketing & Advertising


At Gisma University of Applied Sciences, we're committed to transformative education. Equipping future leaders with the skills and insights to make a global impact through innovation. We're not just shaping minds; we're nurturing future leaders who will leave an indelible mark through innovation. Picture yourself not just as a student but as a pioneer of impactful change.

As part of the prestigious SAP University Alliance, Gisma offers top-tier education designed for the demands of today's corporate world. Imagine being guided by professors who don't just teach but inspire, blending real-world expertise with academic wisdom - they're a fast track to your dream career. Here, you're not a student in a classroom; you're part of a community preparing for immediate success in a competitive job market.

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