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Zagreb School of Economics and Management

Views: 61 (unique: 59)

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Added by: 123_zagreb_sem
Location: Vukasovićeva 1 10000 Zagreb


Type of educational institution: Higher Education Institution
Field of study: Business, Economics, Management & Administration


The mission of Zagreb School of Economics and Management (ZSEM) is to transfer values, knowledge, and skills that students need for long-term success in a globalized business world undergoing constant technological and market transformations. In order to achieve its goal of transferring values, knowledge, and skills, our faculty produces intellectual contributions, primarily discipline-based, along with contributions to teaching and practice. We are focused on providing high-quality undergraduate and graduate programs. ZSEM's wider social influence is evident in innovative programs and working methods, in the interaction of all stakeholders with the business community as well as in publicity, which is an important tool for building relationships with businesses and our broader community. ZSEM promotes high ethical and moral values of doing business, responsibility towards people, the community and nature, fostering tolerance, understanding of differences and the culture of dialogue. ZSEM is open to all students who accept the curriculum, the code of conduct and ethics promoted by the school.

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